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Nerve fibres in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2021-04-16Updated:2021-04-16
Similar words: nerve fibrenerve fibermuscle fibrereserve fundfibrefibredfibreboardfibreglass
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31 Only by incision of the perineurium the nerve fibres can be completely decompressed.
32 It can also show whether tumour cells have crept onto nerve fibres, something that is now left to a biopsy or a surgeon's best guess.
More similar words: nerve fibrenerve fibermuscle fibrereserve fundfibrefibredfibreboardfibreglassglass fibrefibre-opticfibre opticsdefibrillatoroptical fibrenatural fibrecurve fittingdefibrillationsynthetic fibreswerve fromnervenervesunnerveunnervednerve netnerve gasnervelessnerve cellnerve-cellnerve agentoptic nervemotor nerve
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